Monthly Archives: November 2011
Thanksgiving ,Peacock?
Just as everyone sat down for Thanksgiving dinner the turkey leapt up and started dancing and singing ,Over the river and the woods I’ll run run run ,here we go, I know the way to get me away ,today, now I go. As soon as the song was finshed he was gone out the door.While he was singing all of his roasted goodness melted away, and we discoverd our mom had made a mistake. IT WAS A PEACOCK!!!!!!!!! No wonder it danced and sang. As usual my Uncle John was late (thats good) because he caught the peacock and brought it back inside. I quickly ran and, grabbed the pecock, brought it up stairs into my room , through it in my dogs cage, and put child locks on it, so the peacock could not get out. So after we ate Thanksgiving dinner we took the peacock to the zoo and they were very thankful. It turned out to be the best Thanksgiving ever.
Thanks Again,
Challenge of the Week
Memorizez two verses and show gratuid. Report by explaining what they mean and how you showed gratituid.
Thanks Again,
Daily Scripture
Philippians 4:13
Ican do all things through christ who gives me strength.
Challenge of the Week : Gratatuide
Gratatuide is being thankful. Have you thanked anyone lately? If not do so. Show your aprecation. Make the person feel good.
I chalange you all next week to show gratatuide.
Thanks For Reading,
Daily Scripture
John 3:16
For GOD so loved the world he gave his only son and who ever belives in him will not perish but have eternal life.
What Would You Do?
If you found a wad of cash in the parkthat totaled $100,would you keep it or not?
I would not, because it doesn’t belong to me. If you’re convencied you shoud keep it and buy somthing decent , I belive that you should give it to the police or a park ranger. It doesn’t matter if it belonged to a extreamly rich person or a homeless person. If there are no claims ,I would donate it to the nearest charity.
Thats what I would do please post a comet about what you would do.
Thanks Again,